Saturday, December 27, 2014

Seward, Donaldson, and Emmons Mtns

We Bare-booted to herd path, then to base of climb. First 500' of climb are easier with micro-spikes than bare-boots. Next 500' is a toss up between micros and snowshoes. I noticed a down-bound snowshoe track from yesterday so put mine on. Above 3000' elevation I'd strongly suggest snowshoes.

I didn't encounter the ice issues that folks on the 27th found. I believe the reason is because a light coating of snow overnight soaked into the wet ice surface and made it crusty on top. Good traction in snowshoes.

Due to differential melting of the snow pack (denser snow in track melts slower than loose snow on sides of track) there are many areas where there is no trench whatsoever, so even a light coating of snow will erase the track and route finding will be required.

Calkins Brook rock hop-able. (is that a word?)

Coreys Road is glare ice in the vicinity of the gate, but it's flat there. After you get out of the pine grove the road becomes mostly gravel, with some icy spots mixed with gravel. Should be passable by any 4wd/awd vehicle, as well as most front wheel drive vehicles. Just don't send me the towing bill!

Start Time: 7:37AM Start Elevation: 1764ft
End Time: 7:02PM Max Elevation: 4381ft
Duration: 11h35m Distance: 15.83 miles

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