Saturday, December 1, 2012

Baxter Mountain

A group of us planned this hike one year for a New Year eve hike. I don't think any of us made the true summit. I realized this when I hiked this as I went a lot further than we did that night.

It's a mostly moderate, 1.2 mile hike to the first summit. It begins at a moderate grade as it passes under a power line, then there's a continuous climb over switchbacks for 0.8 mile, where the Beede Farm Trail comes in on the left. Going straight and work your way up a few steep steps to the first open rock. This first lookout is not the summit — that's a bit farther along the ridge. Past the summit, a lesser-used trail descends to Beede Road in Keene Valley.

2.4 miles round trip

770 feet of elevation gain

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