Friday, August 26, 2011

Mt. Jo

This is a nice little hike. You can do the loop hike or as we did up and down same shorter route. The loop trip is a nice way to go down, nice and easy grade.

The trail head is off Heart Lake at the Adirondack Loj which is at the end of the Adirondack Loj Rd, which is the first right after the ski jumps coming from Lake Placid.

The trail descends gently from Adirondack Loj Rd down to a road next to Heart Lake. Turn right for 60 yards. and the true start of the trail to Mt. Jo. After 1/4 mile of climb, there is a junction. The Short Trail goes right while the Long trail goes straight. We took the Short Trail, its steeper and rougher. The trails meet just before the summit, so you have options going up and down. Total distance 1.1 mi. or 1.3 mi. depending on which trail is taken.

2.6 miles round trip, Elevation is about 2876’